Child CareWe are working to secure that children and teenagers living under conditions that may damage their health or development will get the necessary help and care. Municipal services regarding child care: (Norwegian translation in parenthesis) Adoption (Adopsjon) Foster home (Fosterhjem) Notification to Child Care (Melding til barnevernstjenesten) Relief measures from Child Care (Hjelpetiltak fra barnevernstjenesten) Support person (Støttekontakt) Taking over care for a child (Omsorgsovertakelse av et barn) Visiting arrangements with children under public care for parents and others (Samvær med barn under offentlig omsorg for foreldrene og andre) Visiting home (Besøkshjem) Publisert 05.03.2018 09.51 Sist endret 05.03.2018 10.26