Østre Toten kommune

Denne artikkelen er over ett år gammel og kan inneholde utdatert informasjon.

Health and Sosial Services

We have public health centers at Lena and Skreia, with services to infants, school children, youth, pregnant women and those needing vaccination.

We have Medical Practices (family doctors) at Lena, Kolbu, Skreia and Kapp.

You will find our emergency at Gjøvik phone (+47) 61 13 70 00 or (+47) 113.

We also have psychiatric services and services for the disabled.

Our social services department (NAV - social services) can help you in the areas of housing, economic counseling, drug addiction, help to newly arrived refugees, and more.

Public dental health care is free of charge for children and youth until the age of 18, for mentally disabled and for some other groups.

Municipal services regarding health and social services:

(Norwegian translation in parenthesis)

  • Care benefit (Omsorgslønn)
  • Companion certificate for disabled persons (Ledsagerbevis for funksjonshemmede)
  • Disabled persons - day center (Dagtilbud funksjonshemmede)
  • Doctor, personal - a system which assigns one particular and permanent doctor to each citizen (Fastlege)
  • Drug addiction - exercise coercion at pregnancy (Gravide rusmiddelbrukere - bruk av tvang)
  • Drug addiction - measures (Rusmiddelbrukere - tiltak)
  • Economical counseling (Økonomisk rådgivning)
  • Economical social security benefits (Økonomisk sosialhjelp)
  • Emergency (Legevakt)
  • Environmental health care (Miljørettet helsevern)
  • Health services for refugees and asylum seekers (Helsetjeneste til flyktninger og asylsøkere)
  • Housing allowance (Bostøtte)
  • Housing for the disadvantaged (Bolig - til vanskeligstilte (Kommunal bolig))
  • Housing - grants to purchase own home (Boligtilskudd til etablering)
  • Housing - grants for adaptations (Boligtilskudd til tilpasning av eid eller leid bolig)
  • Housing - start-up loan (Startlån bolig)
  • Housing - temporary (Midlertidig husvære)
  • Individual plan - coordinating health and/or social services (Individuell plan - koordinering av helse- og/eller sosialtjenester)
  • Introduction program for newly arrived refugees (Introduksjonsprogram for nyankomne flyktninger)
  • Maternity care (Svangerskapsomsorg)
  • Medicated rehabilitation (Legemiddelassistert rehabilitering (LAR))
  • Municipal loan (Kommunalt lån (sosiallån))
  • Personal assistance - user managed (Brukerstyrt personlig assistanse)
  • Post-natal groups (Barselgrupper)
  • Psychiatric health (Psykiske helsetjenester)
  • Physiotherapy (Fysioterapi)
  • Public health center (Helsestasjon)
  • Public health center for youth (Helsestasjon for ungdom)
  • Relief (Avlastning)
  • School health service (Skolehelsetjeneste)
  • Support person (Støttekontakt)
  • Tuberculosis examination (Tuberkuloseundersøkelse)
  • Vaccination (Vaksiner)